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social project中文是什么意思

用"social project"造句"social project"怎么读"social project" in a sentence


  • 社会工程


  • The late nineteenth century saw extensive public expenditures on various social projects .
  • The urban spiritual civilization construction is a systematic and complicated social project , it involves every aspect of the urban me
  • Foreign invested culture , education and medical treatment and health and other social projects shall be partially exempt from the land use fees according to regulations
  • In fact , energy conservation and environmental protection is a social project of everyone s concern . it s success relies on the support and participation of all citizens in hong kong
  • Objective : we aim to improve people ' s lives and serve the society , as well as provide our students an international platform to conduct social projects and show their competence
  • Wu liangyong says : living environmental migration of millions of migrants is not only a technical project , but also a complicated social project and cultural project
    正如吴良镛先生指出, “百万移民生存环境的一次大迁移不仅仅是一项技术工程,而是一项复杂的社会工程和文化工程” 。
  • This paper believes that the development of rmvte be a complicated social project . so it is impossible to do rmvte well if only by reforms from the schools themselves
  • " however , this is the first time we have a tri - party partnership to take social projects to yet another level , and we are really pleased to have asia s top business school as our partner .
  • The strategy change of the national economy is the whole society reorganization , and the enterprises reorganization supply the realistic and low cost reorganization mechanism for this important social project
  • The flood control works is a kind of social project which involve a wide range of aspects , so it is ne - cessary to strengthen regional coorporations , coordinate relations between trades and adjust investment and macroeconomic patterns
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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